BC Ferries

(3 reviews)


Email : customerservice@bcferries.com

Phone/Mobile No. : N/A

Website :https://www.bcferries.com/

Location : British Columbia, Canada

Business : BC Ferries

Consumer Complaints and Reviews

BC Ferries Unlawfully implements Apartheid in all its policies

December 3, 2019
1/5.00 reviews

There is a growing backlash and a public resentment over BC Ferries’ apparent implementation of the apartheid in much of its policies. “This is being advocated all the way from the top of the all-white board of directors trickling down to the crew and middle management” says one BC Ferries Anti-Apartheid activist: “The board of directors and middle management is incompetent, racist and needs to be replaced with a multi cultural board of directors and management to avoid this apartheid style of management” BC Ferries has been recently highly criticized by various angry communities across BC for hiring only whites staff and for their harsh treatment of non white passengers. Both Provincial and Federal laws prohibit discrimination in Canada and currently, various government organizations are currently investigating whether or not BC Ferries senior management and board of directors have violated The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. If sufficient evidence is found to indicate discrimination is being advocated at BC Ferries, then both civil and criminal actions can be taken against the board of directors and senior management at BC Ferries.

Pictures & video of Related complaint


  • 2 people were caught vaping on board the Tsawwassen BC Ferries terminal. The man of immigrant background was given a 6 months ban and forced out of the terminal by aggressive BC Ferries staff in a thug like manner while the other person, white, was just told to not vape on board the terminal. “BC Ferries is just racist” said the man who was banned, “This is an outrage. What kind of people are these? There needs to be an over haul in the entire BC Ferries management for serious incompetence”

  • BC Ferries uses discrimination to implement its HR Policy
    Ever wonder why over %90 of staff, crew and management at BC Ferries are white?Is this a pure coincidence or is it part of a racist discriminatory agenda that BC Ferries advocates? An investigation on whether or not BC Ferries advocates discrimation in its dealings with the public has produced an alarming finding: that BC Ferries has a hidden policy that choses white applicants over non white. 2 undercover individuals applied for an engineering position at BC Ferries. A white applicant with less experience was chosen over a non white applicant of Indian background with 10 years experience in the field of marine engineering (insewr name of an Indian ferry company)” It is really shocking how racist this company really is” said the Indian applicant “BC Ferries all along treated me differently than my white colleague all along throughout the application process” added the applicant “this is a complete outrage and is not acceptable in a multi cultural country like Canada”


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