PMB is meant for businesses or companies who strongly believe they have been falsely accused or defamed. The aim is to prevent users under false names to post false or misleading information. Moreover, PMB helps safeguard the brands or company reputation who has been falsely accused. Pissed Consumer Complaints protect consumers’ rights but in the exception of false accusations or libel. These can be:
Verify that you are the owner of the business or the company that the complaint has been made against. Then, confirm a commercial relationship with the complainer.
Select the complaints that are false accusations or defamatory statements or that are not legitimate.
Submits documents and proof to show that the statements are false.
Our experts (Real Human no Bot or Software) will verify if the complaints are true or not before taking the necessary steps.
A ticket containing every information in regards to the false allegations is issued for further verification.
If the statement or complaints are found to be false, they are deleted or removed from the website. Notification is then sent to the company in regard to the same.
However, if the defamatory statement or complaints are found to be true. The complaints remain on the website and it is in the company’s best interest to get it resolved.