
(4 reviews)


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Phone/Mobile No. : 1-(800)-925-6278

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Location : 8650 Madison Blvd, Madison, AL 35758

Business : Walmart

Consumer Complaints and Reviews

Walmart Store Poor Customer Service

December 1, 2022
1/5.00 reviews

Walmart store treatment of its own consumers is awful. I went to the Poway, California Walmart today to get a $19.40 box of contact lens accessories. I had to wait for an employee to unlock the display case, and even then, he refused to provide me with the box. He didn’t appear to be fluent in English, so he gestured to me that he needed to carry it up to the register for me. First and foremost, I told him that I wasn’t done shopping. Second, I’m an adult, an American citizen, a former police officer, and an attorney, and I wasn’t about to be treated like a child or a suspected shoplifter.

I dropped my two other products and went in search of the Walmart store manager after he shrugged. Because there was more personnel than customers, I approached a couple of them who were speaking and inquired where he was. They expressed their desire to know as well but assumed he was in a meeting. I informed them of my complaint and requested that it be forwarded up the chain of command. I even tried to contact customer support at the Walmart store, but nothing helped me. So, I left the Walmart store and stood at the door, offering cash to incoming customers in exchange for taking their purchases elsewhere. That drew a lot of attention! First, the management tried to convince me that I couldn’t do it. I informed him that I used to be a Sheriff’s Deputy and that I am now an attorney.

I thought I was supposed to be able to do it all day. Then he changed his tune and attempted to appease me by promising to assist me in completing the purchase. (As if I were looking for luxury service or something.) I told him that I didn’t want his assistance with my transaction because I’m not a child. Furthermore, I would NEVER complete such a deal. So, unless he possessed a time machine, I would never have been ridiculed and humiliated in the first place. That’s what I’d do till I ran out of money. Then I’d go get more money, and when it got too hot outside, I’d take it to the internet.

(And so here I am.) I’m not sure why people, whether poor or not, allow themselves to be mistreated by a store. Nobody should have to put up with such abuse, and I want it to stop. When they locked up the motor oil and made me wait twenty minutes for someone with the key, I didn’t complain. I don’t mind if they want to go through my receipts like they’re at Costco. I don’t care how much security they have or if they want to cover the store in RFID tags, having some guy accompany me to the register is the final straw.



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