Storage King East Geelong

(1 reviews)


Email :

Phone/Mobile No. : +61-352484388


Location : 110 Bellarine Hwy

Business : Storage King East Geelong

Consumer Complaints and Reviews

Storage King East Geelong – A Tale of Betrayal and Exploitation

December 26, 2023
1/5.00 reviews

On April 11, 2019, I entered into a rental agreement with Storage King East Geelong to store my belongings due to a domestic violence situation and a recent family tragedy. I had informed the manager, Chris, of my circumstances, including being a survivor of domestic violence, the recent passing of my mother, and caring for a brother recovering from open heart surgery. Despite being assured that they would be understanding, my experience turned into a nightmare.

In June, I was notified of flooding in the unit above mine. But I was assured that my unit was unaffected. In September, disruptions were expected due to roof repairs in the section where my unit was located. Attempts to vacate the unit were met with obstacles, including misleading information about complimentary removal truck services.

In September, I started receiving messages about late payments, despite having a payment plan in place. The situation escalated, and I faced threats of auctioning off my belongings. Despite making payments and being in constant contact, they claimed I hadn’t adhered to the agreement.

In October, I was given an ultimatum to pay the full amount by 4 pm or risk having my items sold. Despite making payments and keeping them informed, my belongings were sold without notice, causing immense distress. Later, I discovered discrepancies in their records, including double-charging me and selling my items before notifying me.

In November, I reached out to rectify the situation, but my concerns were dismissed. I sent a letter explaining the legal breaches and the emotional toll, requesting reimbursement. Their response included a statement that didn’t align with my records and further discrepancies.

This entire ordeal has been a gross violation of trust and fairness. Storage King East Geelong not only failed to support me during a vulnerable time but also took advantage of my situation. I demand financial reimbursement for the value of my lost items. For the emotional trauma caused by their negligence and deception.


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