M B Jayakumar

(1 reviews)



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Email : jayakumarmadrasbalasubramaniam@gmail.com

Phone/Mobile No. : 9566385239

Website :N/A

Location : Adyar, Chennai -20

Consumer Complaints and Reviews


August 20, 2024
1/5.00 reviews

Kind Attention: Shri. Deep K. Customer Service Officer, Grievance Redressal Cell, HDFC Bank Ltd.
Kindly refer to your e-mail of dt:1st Feb,2024 sent to Ms. J Manorama intimating the closure of her request & my protracted correspondence with you through e-mails. I feel very much regretted to say that as a responsible officer your SILENCE over the matter is NOT AT ALL appreciated. As her nominee & husband I request you kindly to inform that why the reversal of the erroneous deduction has been PARTLY ONLY considered. It is a erroneous deduction & the circumstances under which it has been deducted have been clearly explained to Mr. Jewel Joseph, the Branch Manager, HDFC. He was kind enough to immediately reverse the partial money within his powers & he could not do anything further perhaps due to his financial power limitation. Kindly clarify the same please.
Thanking you with warm regards,
M B Jayakumar,
Retd. Deputy Secretary to GOI,
Min. of Industry, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi – 110108.

Subject: Ref. No:/ Docket no: 383775466 – Reversal of erroneous deductions made
Respected Ms. Meyyammai C Madam,
Thank you for your co-operation.
Kindly refer to the e-mail dt:18th inst endorsed to you by Ms. Saradha Bhagavathi Perumal in connection with erroneous deduction made from my account. I am not at all convinced with her statement that HDFC will not be in position to reverse the hold funds happened due to erroneous deduction  made by HDFC.
While every thing can be done retrospectively, why not this erroneous deduction please? The money is mine & erroneous deduction has been made at your end. Why I should be penalised for none of my fault? It is a FACT that Branch Manager Mr Jewel joseph had spoken to me in this regard & I had explained to him that I am at Sydney. In spite of lot of disruptions & break-in speech I was able to join in the conference call on 19-7-2023 with Shri. Jewel Joseph & Shri. Mr Antony Lionel Fernandez and was able to explain the actual situation about how the erroneous deduction happened in my case. I am still very much thankful to Shri. Jewel Joseph for having helped me to get reversed a partial portion of the above erroneous deduction immediately. While you have considered & done reversal for the reason that what has happened is erroneous deduction, why only a part of my hard earned money and not the full money? The balance Rs. 32,025.20/- was not been reversed so far. There is always a provision for setting right such errors with due sanctions from competent Authorities under his financial powers. The details of erroneous deductions is given below:
List of erroneously deducted amounts.
Locker rent – year 2013           Rs.1000/-Locker rent – year 2014           Rs.1000/-Locker rent – year 2015           Rs.5000/-Locker rent – year 2016           Rs.5000/-Locker rent – year 2017           Rs.5000/-Locker rent – year 2018           Rs.5000/-Locker rent – year 2019           Rs.5000/-
ST & Cess during year 2013                               Rs.123.60
ST & Cess during year 2014                              Rs.123.60
ST & Cess during year 2015                              Rs.618.00
ST & Cess during year 2016                              Rs.725.00
ST & Cess during year 2017                              Rs.750.00
ST & Cess during year 2018                               Rs.900.00
(Rs.450/- plus Rs.450/-)
ST & Cess during year 2019                               Rs.900.00
(Rs.450/- plus Rs.450/-)
Debt card Annual Fees –
Oct 2018                          Rs.885/-

The charges levied by HDFC are genuine and valid at normal circumstances, but in my case deducted erroneously without any intimation & in my absence while I was abroad during COVID pandemic period & hence the same cannot be treated for waiver off. Kindly do the needful for reversal of my hard-earned money please. If this money would not have been erroneously deducted from my account it would have fetched good amount of interest for this period of time by now.
Thanking you with warm regards,
J Manorama.


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