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Consumer Complaints and Reviews Unauthorized Charges

May 28, 2024
1/5.00 reviews

On April 22, 2019, I requested the cancellation of my account. I received confirmation for my cancellation request below. At that time, the agent handling my request copied and acknowledged ALL of the emails I had addresses associated with my account in their confirmation response which included my old work email addresses which I no longer had access to as I had left that employment at xxxx (redacted).

Consequently, I used my Gmail address for the correspondence at the time , as it was the only email available to me. Despite this, only canceled one account knowing there were other email addresses linked to my account. They conveniently or erroneously continued to charge me quarterly for
(Redacted) account and refuse to take responsibility. This has been ongoing for over four years, amounting to a significant sum of $1179.14. I had no reason to suspect that my membership was not canceled in its entirety, especially since all linked accounts were included in the email correspondence from the CARE agent.
Section 8.2 of their terms and conditions state I am due refund as I expressly requested my account be cancelled. They are refusing to honor their policy. Not sure what to do at this point!


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1 Comment

  • Here is what I sent to this morning!!

    I never ever gave auth for this charge whatsoever . Infact I contacted the bg check company and care com on Thurs and Fri to clarify this and to state I was furious that a bg check was being done on me without my auth. So now you fraudulently charge my card acct. How dare y’all be so unethical . It’s too late care because It was already confirmed last week that the background check had been done and that there was still no auth from me to perform the check and that I needed to auth the charge. So don’t even try and mess with me in this. You have really messed up and now the bg check company will be at fault as well.

    Thank God I called when I saw that email from the bg check company and was informed that no payment had been auth for the bg check therefore no bg check was auth. But one had been done!!! Not good You can’t do that in America. This is out of control. I confirmed I do not have a membership that runs annual bg check I don’t have a paid membership . All that was verified . Seriously. This is enough from companies preying on people . It is deceptive business practices without question. There are laws and regulations in place for that and many other things for which you have violated. And then to see a notification today that you charged an acct of mine!!!

    I see email for July 27th that implies I auth this bullshit. Try again. I had already made contact and made it abundantly clear that I was not auth anything and that this was not allowable practice. Wow. This is pathetic .I confirmed my acct with care is not a billable membership. So don’t try that excuse either. Does the bg check company know that they are providing services that are not auth? And don’t try and say it is auth every year . No it’s not . And that was verified . Thank goodness I recvd email from bg company prior to your shenanigans and attempts to carry out a business practices that is intentionally deceptive and quite fraudulent and violates my privacy and civil rights.

    This is the email they sent to me yesterday 27th. I had already contacted them and the bg company prior to the 27th . Because I recvd an email from the bg check company about sending my report to, I immediately called and asked what this was about and verified I had not auth this bg check and they informed me they could see it was still pending my payment and auth. I said…well that’s proof right there you had no right to run a check on me . And they had ran it. This was on 25th. I am so infuriated. This is the email from July 27th….

    Congrats! Your CareCheck is complete
    to me
    1 day ago Details
    Copyright 2007 – 2024, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Hi Kimberly,

    Thank you for your screening fee purchase. You are now a Basic member and can start applying to jobs today!


    Total Paid Today: $20.24
    Start Date: Nov 14, 2022
    Renewal Date: Jul 27, 2025

    Starting on Jul 27, 2025, you will automatically be charged an annual $18.99 screening fee plus any applicable sales tax. This will be renewed every year in accordance with the terms of your chosen membership plan and is non-refundable. If you do not wish to renew your screening fee, you can choose to cancel your membership in the Account Settings & Privacy area of your account.

    Please keep this email for your records.

    Take care,
    The Team

    I can’t reach anyone at support so I replied to their email . I’m furious. This is so wrong .


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