Walmart Pharmacy

(2 reviews)



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Phone/Mobile No. : 1-800-741-5367

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Location : Walmart Pharmacy Chicago

Business : Walmart Pharmacy

Consumer Complaints and Reviews

Walmart Pharmacy Complaint

June 21, 2022
1/5.00 reviews

I used to go a lot to buy at Walmart pharmacy. When I left, there was always a man at the door who I thought was too pushy. Every time I tried to leave, he would stop me, look at my receipt, and then go through all my bags and touch everything in them.

I also began to notice that he would only stop me. I never saw him stop a man and act like that toward him. The last time it happened, I was almost side-by-side with a man leaving. He did nothing to stop the person. I caught a glimpse of him, and he was yelling at me, “Hey!… Stop!” I just kept going, he runs after me and starts yelling “Lady!!” I stop, and he does the same thing again: he asks for my receipt, goes through all my stuff, and even picks out individual food items from my bags. “Why didn’t you stop the man?” I asked. “Why do you always feel like you have to go through everything I have?” I don’t even remember what he said, but it was probably something rude and condescending.

As soon as I was out of there and starting to leave in my car, I realized how sick I was of going through that and decided to stop buying from the Walmart pharmacy.


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1 Comment

  • I also had the similar experience with them I am glad I ran to this page while searching for Walmart pharmacy complaints. I wonder how they hide all complaints raised against them.


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