The Roofa, INC

(1 reviews)



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Phone/Mobile No. : 207-854-9296

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Location : 697 Main St, Westbrook, ME 04092

Business : The Roofa, INC

Consumer Complaints and Reviews

Total Roof Replacement Failure

July 15, 2024
1/5.00 reviews

I have a very simple roof. Not tall, not steep, not overly large. The Roofa completely failed at one of the most simple roofing projects they could have been offered.

In my opinion, the workers sent to my home by the Roofa did not fit any of the descriptions found on the company websight which promises consumers “Service with Integrity” and a “team of experts”. It also makes claims of an “experienced staff” that is “highly knowledgeable”. They rushed through the job and it came out absolutely terrible. They also left thier jackets behind and I found my kids going through the pockets the next morning.

In addition to the jackets, we found discarded phone charger cords, cigarrette butts. What appeared to by the remnants of drug parapheneilia, and other junk all left by the side of a private road that I share with my neighbors. We are still finding little bits of shingle trimmings in the gardens.

Workers from the Roofa installed tongue and groove roof sheathing “tongue to tongue” and “groove to groove”. Manufacturer specification for this product stipulate tongues must go into grooves during installation. They did not bother to construct my roof properly because they were in such a rush to finish in a day.

Afterwards, the business owner came to my home, inspected the finished project, and gave it a passing grade. Following my discovery of the faulty workmanship. I gave this business the opportunity to make things right but they refuesed and advised I should hire somebody else. When I would not choose the contractor they wanted me to. The business owner attempted to wedge himself between us and the new contractor we hired in order to negotiate a better price for himself. It is my firm belief this business was not honest with me and I do not believe they will care about providing quality workmanship for your roof that you protect your family with either.


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