Synchrony Bank

(1 reviews)



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Phone/Mobile No. : (800) 275-3301

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Location : 777 Long Ridge Road Stamford, CT 06902

Business : Synchrony Bank

Consumer Complaints and Reviews

Misallocation of Payments

September 11, 2024
1/5.00 reviews

I make payments, sometimes as much as $300-$500 and these funds are not allocated to the accounts I select. I have a promotional purchase that started at 3605.19 and I paid it down to $2640 and for whatever reason it now shows that the balance is back up to $2705. I had made a purchase for $301.19 at Discount tire (which was a promotional purchase) but I decided to purchase the warranty on the tires and the merchant voided that payment and re-charged my Synchrony Bank card for the new (promotional) amount of $362.66. That caused the original $301.19 (promotional charge) to show as having gone inactive. But when the merchant reversed the original $301.19 and put it back on my card, Synchrony Bank took money from one of my other payments and applied it to the inactive promotional charge.


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