Spartan Capital Securities

(1 reviews)



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Phone/Mobile No. : (877) 772-7818

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Location : 45 BroadwayNew York, New York 10006, US

Business : Spartan Capital Securities

Consumer Complaints and Reviews

Spartan Capital Securities Complaints: Caution for Investors

June 18, 2024
1/5.00 reviews

As a long-time investor, I trusted Spartan Capital Securities for ethical guidance. Unfortunately, my experience was disastrous. The broker churned investments, excessively buying and selling to generate commissions without regard for my financial well-being, causing significant losses.

Additionally, they misrepresented products as low-risk, which was misleading and resulted in further losses. The broker recommended unsuitable products, prioritizing their own commissions over my financial needs.

Lastly, they breached their fiduciary duty, failing to act in good faith and putting my interests first. Their unethical practices and misrepresentation caused substantial financial harm of 10,548$ to me.

I urge potential investors to exercise caution with Spartan Capital Securities. My complaints should serve as a warning about the potential risks associated with this firm.


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